August 2023
Dear Parents of Busy Bees of Sterling,
Hello and welcome!
I am so excited for the opportunity to meet and work with you in helping your child to learn and grow during this next school year. What a joy it is to see children explore, discover, develop, and become! You and I are a team to advocate for the best for your student.
looking forward to working together,
Sheila South
Agosto 2023
Estimados Padres de Busy Bees de Sterling,
Hola y bienvenidos!
Estoy muy emocionada por la oportunidad de conocer y trabajar con usted para ayudar a su hijo a aprender y crecer durante este próximo año escolar. ¡Qué alegría es ver a los niños explorar, descubrir, desarrollarse y convertirse! Usted y yo somos un equipo para abogar por lo mejor para su estudiante.
Espero con interés nuestro trabajo conjunto,
Sheila South
1) Email is my top choice to communicate with you because email is reliable, email can easily be translated on the internet, and email can be checked during downtimes in the day. You can email me with any question or concern and I can give you a call back when class is not in session. Of course, in the case of any emergency, please contact the front office at 704.343.3636. Please let me know if email is not a good choice for you.
2) Your child's Thursday folder will be sent home weekly. Please look over your child's work and any correspondence sent home that may need to be returned. You can clean out the folder each week and keep work samples at home.
3) Parent-Teacher conferences are available and recommended at first quarter's end. Sign-up notices will be emailed.
4) A report card with summative information about your child’s progress will be sent home quarterly.
5) Our class website will provide classroom news. Notice of updates will be emailed.
6) Frequent school updates are available through the ParentSquare app.
Working Together
in the Hive:
Class Creed
Behavior Plan:
Children are encouraged to take responsibility for their own behavior and to take pride in doing their best.
Wayward behavior will receive a reminder, a talk-time with teacher and if necessary time-out. Parents will be notified if a child demonstrates a pattern of behavior difficulties.
The entire hive will work together to fill the
pom-pom jar for class celebrations of hard work! :D
Did you know? YOU are your child's favorite teacher!
Practice with literacy skills is essential for a child's progress.
Parents please work with your child at least 20 minutes each night to practice literacy skills:
1) Listen to your child read aloud
2) Read a book to your child
3) Practice "Weekly Words" with your child (read, spell, and write).
A great Busy Bee tactic is to inspect
what you expect: look for the things
you want to happen!
Here's a great article about setting a schedule for homework:
and the link to the Public Libraries of Charlotte & Mecklenburg County:
Needed Supplies
2 pocket folders
1 pack of pencils
1 pack of copy paper
personal tissue pack
* backpack
(please label with child's name in permanent marker)
* change of clothes in ziploc bag
(please label with child's name in permanent marker)
Please send 1 item for classroom use according to the first letter of your child's last name...
A- D small paper or plastic cups (8 ounces is fine)
E - H 1 pack of paper plates
I - U 1 box of tissues
S - V 1 pack of napkins
W-Z I box of gallon size Ziplocs
Please feel free to reach out with any question or concern.
Sheila South, MEd.
Classroom Teacher Grade 1
Sterling Elementary