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Our Magnificent Things-


First quarter wrap-up brings the end of our EL Module unit on Magnificent Things. Here are some of the children's projects. Enjoy these photos of their work :)

Children have worked with partners to create one of 3 magnificent things:

1) a picture frame

2) a display case

or 3) a treasure box.

They needed to carefully study an image and then imagine how to turn that image into a

3-dimensional object. They collaborated with their classmates to generate ideas and then to make their project.

Children learned to use their skills of close observation and through a process of GLOs (things that turned out great) and GROWS (things we sought to improve) created realistic drawings of tools.

Children worked with teammates to create magnificent things for our classroom. Projects included containers for pencils, scissors, glue, calendar pieces, and library books and a flower vase for the many flowers they collect at recess.

Children wrote about the process they experienced working with others:


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