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Creative Process in Generating Design Part 2



Well...didn't like how the lily of the valley and dogwood looked on the mockup because although they are lovely and their symbolism compelling (see previous post, they are white flowers and really difficult to render in watercolor on such a small scale as a detail on a greeting card.

Decided to swap out the dogwood for forget-me-not and swap the lily of the valley for calla lily. Not only will these flowers allow for more color to be incorporated, but the forget-me-not pays tribute to Luke 22:19 which says:

 And He took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to them, saying, “This is my body given for you; do this in remembrance of me.”

This verse not only directly references Words of Christ, but they are the words He spoke while sharing the Last Supper with His disciples before He was crucified on the cross. At Easter, we are to remember that Christ's body was broken for us on the cross and His Holy blood spilled that we might by faith in His sacrifice receive forgiveness of sins. This is a beautiful thing. Seemingly, the forget-me-not is an appropriate flower to lay on the cross for an Easter greeting.

Next step in the creative process was to make some rough drafts of the flowers mentioned and combine them with different types of crosses.

Sent 7 design ideas for consideration:

Numbers 1, 2 & 7 were selected.

To progress the design, I created a digital mockup with reference photos. Here's the plan for #7 and the first completed card.

Thus, we have a design that is (hopefully) pleasing to the patron and meaningful and significant in the message it portrays. It'll be fun to do several different versions of this Easter card :)

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