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Waste Not, Want Not


It's early February and we've just pruned our crepe myrtles. Stacking all the thin little twigs reminded me of a favorite thing in the attic out of use because it is in sad disrepair.

This combination basket/ wreath made of twigs and wicker was a splurge for me back in the day. We were at a craft fair and it just struck me as such a lovely thing that I could not leave it and I made the rare indulgence. Unfortunately, the many years of hanging on the front door squished behind an accompanying glass door have taken their toll upon it. The bottom section has disintegrated and the entire thing is actually quite fragile.

A quick internet search (so thankful for all the helpful folks out in cyberspace!) informed me that it's a great time to use the twigs we just pruned as they are supple and willing to yield. A water bucket to soak the twigs that would wind around for support and clippers were the only supplies needed.

Started with the thicker twigs and forming them to the arc of the wreath. They easily incorporated into the existing structure and nicely held their shape. Added enough of these twigs to build the shape of the bottom of the wreath back into a circle.

Lastly took the finer twigs which had been soaking in water and used them to form support by twisting them around the larger ones. Decided to leave the ends of the larger twigs unclipped and let them extend back towards the top because the wreath reminded me of the circle of life. The original artist created the lovely texture and form of the wreath. Since these materials decayed, new twigs and a new pattern replaced them. I wanted that to be obvious rather than hidden.

I would buy it all over again! :)

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